Friday, September 23, 2011

Role Play 101: Alignment

Alignment is fairly simple to understand.  It is the moral or ethical perspective of the character. This helps guide what your character will or will not do.  Some basic alignments for characters include.

Lawful Good: Lawful good is known as the "Saintly" or "Crusader" alignment. A lawful good character typically acts with compassion, and always with honor and a sense of duty. A lawful good nation would consist of a well-organized government that works for the benefit of its citizens. Lawful good characters include righteous knights, paladins, and most dwarves. Lawful good creatures include the noble golden dragons. Batman and Indiana Jones would be examples of Lawful Good Characters.

The lawful good alignment is one of the hardest to properly role-play, since it requires unwavering dedication and complete lack of flexibility.

Read more: How to Role Play a Lawful Good Character in a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign |

Neutral Good: Neutral good is known as the "Benefactor" alignment. A neutral good character is guided by his conscience and typically acts altruistically, without regard for or against Lawful precepts such as rules or tradition. A neutral good character may cooperate with lawful officials but does not feel beholden to them. A doctor that treats soldiers from both sides in a war would be considered neutral good. Zorro & Spiderman would be examples of Neutral Good Characters.

The neutral good alignment is perfect for idealist characters who want to be as good as possible, but don't want to be bothered with ethical considerations of law versus chaos.

Read more: How to Role Play a Neutral Good Character in a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign |

Chaotic Good: Chaotic good is known as the "Beatific," "Rebel," or "Cynic" alignment. A chaotic good character favors change for a greater good, disdains bureaucratic organizations that get in the way of social improvement, and places a high value on personal freedom, not only for oneself, but for others as well. Most elves are chaotic good, as are some fey. Chaotic good has been the default alignment for characters who want to be good but unpredictable.

Read more: How to Play a Chaotic Good Character in Dungeons & Dragons |

Lawful Neutral:  Lawful neutral is called the "Judge" or "Disciplined" alignment. A lawful neutral character typically believes strongly in Lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules and tradition, and often follows a personal code. A lawful neutral society would typically enforce strict laws to maintain social order, and place a high value on traditions and historical precedent. Examples of lawful neutral characters might include a soldier who always follows orders, a judge or enforcer that adheres mercilessly to the word of the law, a disciplined druids or a cowardly commoner.

Characters of this alignment are neutral with regard to good and evil. This does not mean that lawful neutral characters are amoral or immoral, or do not have a moral compass; but simply that their moral considerations come a distant second to what their code, tradition or law dictates. They typically have a strong ethical code, but it is primarily guided by their system of belief, not by a commitment to good or evil. James Bond would be a good example of this type of character.

The lawful neutral alignment is one of the most abstract and hardest to role play effectively. If you choose the lawful neutral alignment, your character will rigidly act in accordance to a set of laws or personal code instead of by any social standard of morality.

Read more: How to Role Play a Lawful Neutral Character in a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign |

Neutral: Neutral alignment, also referred to as True Neutral or Neutral Neutral, is called the "Undecided" or "Nature's" alignment. This alignment represents neutral on both axes, and tends not to feel strongly towards any alignment. A farmer whose only concern is to feed his family is of this alignment. Most animals, lacking the capacity for moral judgement, are of this alignment.

Some neutral characters, rather than feeling undecided, are committed to a balance between the alignments. They may see good, evil, law and chaos as simply prejudices and dangerous extremes. Druids frequently follow this true neutral dedication to balance. A typical druid might fight against a band of marauding gnolls, only to switch sides to save the gnoll's clan from being exterminated.  Another example of this would be, Lara Croft or Hans Solo in his early Star Wars appearances.

The middle alignment, called True Neutral, is reserved for characters who are committed to maintaining a delicate balance between all of the opposite forces in the universe. To effectively role play a true neutral character you will need to think on a grander scale than the average character.

Read more: How to Role Play a True Neutral Character in a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign |

Chaotic Neutral: Chaotic neutral is called the "Anarchist" or "Free Spirit" alignment. A character of this alignment is an individualist who follows his or her own heart, shirks rules and traditions. They typically act out of self-interest, but do not specifically enjoy seeing others suffer. Many adventurers are of this alignment.

An unusual subset of chaotic neutral is "strongly chaotic neutral", describing a character who behaves chaotically to the point of appearing insane. Characters of this type may regularly change their appearance and attitudes for the sake of change, and intentionally disrupt organizations for the sole reason of disrupting a lawful construct.

An example of Chaotic Neutral would be Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Carribean.

Choosing the chaotic neutral alignment gives you the most freedom to role-play your character in any given situation, and can throw a serious wild card into your group's party of adventurers.

Read more: How to Role Play a Chaotic Neutral Character in a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign |

Lawful Evil: Lawful evil is referred to as the "Dominator" or "Diabolic" alignment. Characters of this alignment show a combination of desirable and undesirable traits: while they typically obey their superiors and keep their word (trustworthy), they care nothing for the rights and freedoms of other individuals. Examples of this alignment include tyrants, devils, honorable but undiscriminating mercenary types, and soldiers who follow the chain of command but enjoy killing for its own sake.  Some examples would be Boba Fett, The Sheriff of Nottingham or Magento from X-men.

You will need to walk a fine line between morally bankrupt and completely psychotic to effectively play a lawful evil character. These types of characters hold law and tradition in high regard, but have no qualms about causing destruction for personal gain.

Read more: How to Role Play a Lawful Evil Character in a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign |

Neutral Evil:  Neutral evil is called the "Malefactor" alignment. Characters of this alignment are typically selfish and have no qualms about turning on their allies-of-the-moment. They have no compunctions about harming others to get what they want, but neither will they go out of their way to cause carnage or mayhem when they see no direct benefit to it. An example would be an assassin, who has little regard for formal laws but does not needlessly kill. A villain of this alignment can be more dangerous than either lawful or chaotic evil characters, since he is neither bound by any sort of honor or tradition nor disorganized and pointlessly violent. Mystique from X-Men and Sawyer of Lost are examples of this Alignment.

The neutral evil alignment is one of the easiest play and is almost the direct opposite of the Robin Hood archetype. As a neutral evil character, you will take what you want, by force if necessary, and keep it for yourself.

Read more: How to Role Play a Neutral Evil Character in a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign |

Chaotic Evil: Chaotic evil is referred to as the "Destroyer" or "Demonic" alignment. Characters of this alignment tend to have little respect for rules, other peoples' lives, or anything but their own selfish desires. They typically only behave themselves out of fear of punishment. Some examples of this would include Riddick of Pitch Black. Playing a chaotic evil character can be harder than playing a good aligned character, since you are in danger more frequently and find yourself unwelcome in any town your party travels to.

Read more: How to Role Play a Chaotic Evil Character in a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign |

  • Lawful Good: Civilization and order.
  • Good: Freedom and kindness.
  • Unaligned: Having no alignment; not taking a stand.
  • Evil: Tyranny and hatred.
  • Chaotic Evil: Entropy and destruction.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A new Student: Fluffy Torkelson

[17:40] Fluffy Torkelsonn: Greetings
[17:40] Pionia Destiny: Sorry, I didn't notice you were there.. you are as quiet as a mouse..giggles
[17:41] Fluffy Torkelsonn: that sounds about right
[17:41] Fluffy Torkelsonn: smiles
[17:44] Fluffy Torkelsonn: Did Sol talk to yuo regarding me?
[17:45] Pionia Destiny: mm. no. Haven't  talked to Master Soltel'vayas?
[17:45] Pionia Destiny: I haven't seen him today
[17:45] Fluffy Torkelsonn: Yesterday I did
[17:47] Pionia Destiny: Are you interested in joining us, nephew of lady Killa.. smiles warmly
[17:48] Fluffy Torkelsonn smiles
[17:49] Pionia Destiny: well, please.. get the crolls from the table..
[17:49] Fluffy Torkelsonn nods
[17:49] Fluffy Torkelsonn: Sol should be sending a letter soon
[17:50] Fluffy Torkelsonn: I'm sure it just got stuck in the transportation of it
[17:50] Pionia Destiny: please.. get the scrolls and work on the form.. we have there
[17:53] Fluffy Torkelsonn: I was a mage transmuter for Annwn and a mage teacher
[17:54] Pionia Destiny: mmm I see.. would you like me as your teacher?
[17:55] Fluffy Torkelsonn: I know too little about you to know.
[17:55] Pionia Destiny: Sir sol.. seems to be busy with one of his kind.. another drow..rolls her eyes* soon they will be all over..
[17:55] Fluffy Torkelsonn: so I reserve my judgment
[17:56] Pionia Destiny: well, I know too little about you. I am sure it'll be ok. I treat my students with fairness and kidness
[17:57] Pionia Destiny: I even taught that drow... sighs. It was not easy. You look like you'll be progressing really fast.
[17:57] Fluffy Torkelsonn: smiles
[17:57] Fluffy Torkelsonn: I'm a good fighter
[17:57] Fluffy Torkelsonn: as well
[17:58] Fluffy Torkelsonn: I dont just rely on magic
[17:58] Fluffy Torkelsonn: or transformation
[17:58] Pionia Destiny: great.. like a battle mage.
[17:58] Pionia Destiny: I'll be delighted to fight you, sir
[17:58] Fluffy Torkelsonn: my brother tought me a lot
[17:59] Fluffy Torkelsonn: and I even practice with kiila, but not so much anymrore
[17:59] Fluffy Torkelsonn: if u would like a practice duel id be happy
[17:59] Fluffy Torkelsonn: *happy

[17:59] Fluffy Torkelsonn: I'm even free now
[18:00] Fluffy Torkelsonn: if you would like
[18:01] Pionia Destiny: smiles.. well, as you know.. I am a little busy right now. so much to do.. working on all these scrolls to get the guild back on its track
[18:01] Fluffy TorkelsonnFluffy Torkelsonn smiles, of course, perhaps another time
[18:01] Pionia Destiny: nods,it'll be really soon..
[18:01] Pionia Destiny: now.. are you my student?
[18:02] Pionia Destiny: want to give it a try with me?
[18:02] Fluffy Torkelsonn  thinks for a moment, whispers.."why not"
[18:02] Fluffy Torkelsonn: very well
[18:02] Fluffy Torkelsonn: let's begin
[18:02] Pionia Destiny: so.. we can star right away...
[18:02] Fluffy Torkelsonn: I'm here and able
[18:03] Pionia Destiny: I will give you the scroll so you can star working on your progression...
[18:03] Fluffy Torkelsonn: why waste the time
[18:03] Pionia Destiny: smiles warmly.
[18:04] Pionia Destiny: handes her new student his first scroll
[18:04] Fluffy Torkelsonn takes it, reads it over. smiles
[18:04] Pionia Destiny: please... read it and work on it.. If you need any help just let me know.
[18:04] Fluffy Torkelsonn: nods
Roleplayers: Fluffy Torkelsonn, Pionia Destiny

Creeds Of Magic

Creed of Light

Passion Lives Short, for Wisdom I strive
Through Wisdom I see the Beginning
Through the Beginning, I see the End
With that Knowledge, I Touch the Weave
Through the Weave, All is Connected
Magic Shall Light My Way

The Dark Creed of Magic

Peace is a lie, there is only passion
Through Passion I gain Strength
Through Strength I gain power
Through Power I gain victory
Through Victory my chains are broken
Magic Shall Set Me Free

The Balance Creed of Magic

There can be neither peace nor passion
There's only what exits
what exist is expressed through opposition
Whithout peace there is no passion
Wihtout passion there can no be peace
Magic is all there is
Magic is.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Schools of Magic

Schools of Magic 

Schools of magic are categories of spells organizing by general function. Spells are created by wizards with these schools in mind, though divine spells also fall within these preset categories as well. Still, there are also plenty of spells that defy categorization within a school. Some spellcasters (especially wizards) decide to specialize in spells from a certain school. They focus more effort into these spells than any other at the expense of all spells from one or two other schools. These schools of magic have been in existence for longer than anyone cares to remember and no one seems to know who originally came up with them. They also show no signs of being abandoned.

Most schools of magic also have subschools that help define the spells with even more accuracy. The major schools of magic are as follows:-

    * Abjuration: Spells that protect the caster.
    * Conjuration: Spells that create or transport people, energy or objects.
    * Divination: Spells that allow the caster to see things that they normally wouldn't be able to.
    * Enchantment: Spells that affect the minds of other creatures.
    * Evocation: Spells that create energy out of the raw power of the Weave.
    * Illusion: Spells to fool the senses.
    * Necromancy: Spells that deal with negative energy.
    * Transmutation: Spells to enhance or change creatures and things.
Types of Magic

Divine Magic

Magic that originates from a spell-granting deity, usually through prayer, is divine in nature and is called the Power by the common folk. Clerics, druids, paladins, rangers and many prestige classes all derive their spells and spell-like abilities from a deity. A practitioner of the Power has no affinity with the Art, as their spells are planted in their minds directly by their patron deity, and they do not tap the Weave. Casting divine spells is more like an exclamation of faith that brings about a sensation appropriate to the patron deity to whom the faith was devoted

Arcane Magic

Any magic that doesn't originate from a deity is defined as arcane magic. (Note, while all magic is accessed through the Weave, which is maintained by a deity, this does not make all magic divine magic.) The use of arcane magic is referred to in day-to-day speech as the Art, and a wide variety of people (and character classes) are able to practice the Art to a smaller or larger extent, though the way in which they access the Weave can differ dramatically. Most wizards spend long years researching their art, gathering spells to their personal book, and each day they can only memorise a small fraction of these. The memory of the spell is wiped from his or her mind as it is cast. The wizard has to re-study the spell before he or she can cast it again, unless more than one casting of the spell in question was prepared. Sorcerers, also known as innanoths (for their innate mastery of the Weave) are not required to research spells. They tap the Weave in a more direct manner, but because of this, the selection of spells available to a sorcerer is more limited than that available to a wizard. Bards, assassins and many other prestige classes access the Weave to use certain magical abilities.

Ranks within the Guild

Guild Ranks

Many ranks and offices exist within the Wizard's Guild. The early ones are proficiency-based, while later ones are proficiency, teaching and politically-based.  It is important to note, that our ranking system is flexible to the needs of all students, and this document is to cover how we approach such complexity. Remember, our guild teaches all races, alignments and views; all we care about is your commitment to “The Art” of magic. As such, Ranks must be defined that allow us this freedom of paths, for not everyone wishes to be Archmage.

So, the Student Enters our Guild… They do so as Practitioner our Entry Level for all. From here, they progress in the Outer Court Ranks to  Neophyte, Practicus and finally Philosophus. It is when they reach the level of Philosophus, do they have to make a major decision in the guild, and basically what advanced path do they wish to follow going forward.

The first 4 Ranks Are called the Outer Court Ranks, and again these are for all students in our Guild. For the student to progress within the Ranks of the Outer Court, they must merely survive and pass their tests as defined in the documents at the Guild.  These ranks are for all new students who enter the guild. They are meant to educate the students on Magic, Our Guild, Crimson Chaos, and to set the path for the student going forward.

Outer Court Ranks 

When a student completes the path of Philosophus, they must commit to a path of progression through our guild. Each Path will have its own plan, but the important point is the student chooses the path they wish to traverse.
These Paths of Progression after Philosophus can be broken down into 3 Main Choices.

a)    The Path of the Teacher and Leader
b)    The Path of the One
c)    The Path of Retirement and Support

Section A: The Path of the Teacher and Leader

The Path of the Teacher and Leader is the one where we believe most of our students traverse. For this is the path that migrates you from Student, to Journeyman; Journeyman to Master and Master to Archmage. This is our most structured and defined path, and one where our senior leaders focus their attention, in most cases.  In the Guild, we have a Book Dedicated to this Progression of Teacher and Leader, with all of the information on Quests, Ranks, Skills, etc… I encourage all of you to read it, in your earl y stages to help with your decision.

In this Path, the Student becomes a Journeyman Rank after Philosophus. As a Journeyman, they are expected to focus on their school of magic expertise, learn about the advanced areas of magic, and more so, to teach the young students in the Outer Court Ranks. It is this combination of learning, teaching and leading, that trains and prepared the Journeyman to become a Master in our guild. A master at leadership, understanding and growth for the “The Art.”

Students are Encouraged to Read the Journeyman Book in the Build, to understand this path, and what it means to walk it. We believe it a challenge, but one with rewards of the ages.  Our Journeymen and Masters are held in high esteem at our guild, for they train the ways of The Art and lead where others must follow.  A Journeyman can be of any alignment, school of magic, race, etc… This is about leading, teaching and learning, not about exclusion. The “Journey” of the Journeyman, is to learn about themselves, their school of expertise, the other schools, and the ways of the world. To complete the Journey, is to be called “Master”.

Journeyman ranks

Adeptus Minor of the Outer Circle 
Adeptus Minor of the Inner Circle 
Adeptus Major 

Master ranks

Within the Master Ranks, both student and guild grow with the power of the individual. These are dangerous ranks for both, and as such are only crossed with great sacrifice. To obtain a level in the master ranks, usually great feats (or pivotal events) have occurred. For as a Master, the Leader is now focused on the following; Journeymen Development and Progression, Matters of the Guild and Local Town, Supporting All with their Power to Lead and wield magic as needed. These are secretive Ranks, they books of progression will not be held at the Guild. The Progression through these ranks is understood and controlled by the Archmage directly. All that is known, is that Master’s lead in the Guild over Journeymen and Outer Court Ranks, they decide, they mitigate, they align and they lead. To be a Master in our Guild is a great challenge, for the Master must support all schools, all alignments and all views, in the overall support of magic.

The Master Ranks are As Follows
Adeptus Exemptus 
Xxxxxx (A secret rank, known only to the Archmage)
Magister Templi 


To be Grandmaster, is to be the only Grandmaster. This rank is not about level, it is about control and power of might. There is only one Grandmaster per guild, and the determination process is one of great secrecy for the Guild Masters. Many die trying to obtain this rank, those who become are changed forever. The grandmaster has allegiance to all and for none, for they lead the guild across the town, and the plane of existence we live.  The grandmaster is charged alone with the progression of the Master Students, they alone decide any issues between Masters’s, or where a tie breaker opinion is needed. The grandmaster sets all overall guild direction, and will also support any request of the Masters for local or regional affairs.

Grandmaster ranks

Section B) The Path of the One

This path, is taken by the Philosophus who wishes to progress, but does not wish to lead others in the Guild of Magic. This is an acceptable choice of progression, and when made, will be fully supported by all in the guild. This path defines the student as one who wishes to learn, to be a member of the guild in good standing, yet to not have the burden of larger roles of team management. Mostly, this is for individuals of unique history, views, or practices. The advanced Ranks of this path are known as the Traveler Ranks, for they define the travels of one seeking knowledge and power. The Ranks of Progression in these Traveler Ranks are as follows:

Traveler Ranks


Planar Ranks:

After attaining the level of Witch/Warlock, the student can progress to the Planar Ranks of the Path of the One. The Planar Ranks are similar to the Master Ranks in the teacher path, in stature, but they do not lead to the path of Grandmaster. These Ranks hold high stature in our Guild of Magic, these students are asked to lead areas of large concern, solve large magic issues and engage as a representative of our guild as needed for any situation. These mages can wield great power, yet they do not lead, teach or define our student body. These are solitary roles, but powerful none the less. The Archmage alone teaches the Planar Ranks and guides their progression.

Planar Ranks
Nomadus Exemptus
Nomadus Templi
Nomadus Magus

Section B) The Path of Retirement and Support

Often times, a student reaches the end of his Philosophus Studies, and determines they do not wish to progress in the Path of Teacher, or the Path of the One. They feel that they have learned much in the guild, built lasting alliances and now want a more sedate role in our great house. It is as this juncture, the student chooses the Path of Retirement and Support. This role basically stops the Student from further Advancement, yet maintains the student in good standing in the guild of magic. They are treated just as any normal member, and hold all privileges and benefits as such. When the student chooses this path, their title is simply, Magician.

The Path of Retirement and Support Rank


As a Magician, the student may return at any later date, and choose their Path of Progression. This act must be approved by a Master in the Guild, and when approved, the student can once again move forward.  As a Magician, the student is welcome to claim full guild membership, support us in all activities and have full guild voting rights.


Per the ranks listed above, those within the Magic Guild will find as their experience grows so does their ability to cast spells. For those in doubt, this mean that a Practitioner may cast level one spells, a Neophyte level two spells and so forth. Questions about spells and their appropriate usuage should be directed to a Master mage.


Please note, that as our guild is always evolving and responding to the demands and needs of both our students and the village, special tasks may be assigned to any student by a teacher or Master of the guild. These assigned tasks are independent of any requirements to advance with the guild.

Guild Structure 

Outer Court Ranks; 

1. All students are responsible for their own conduct to their Journeyman Teachers and all Master Rank Mages.

2. All students will show respect for all ranks higher than themselves and lend assistance to all ranks lower then themselves when requested by a Journeyman or Master.

3. No Student will assign tasks or give instruction to any other student without a specific request made by that student, that student’s Journeyman Teacher, or a Master in the guild.

4. Any Student having an issue with the proper conduct of any other student, Journeyman Teacher or Master will convey their concerns to their own teacher or a Master in the guild who will act accordingly on the accusations made.

Journeyman, Traveler & Savant Ranks;

1. All Journeyman, Traveler and Savant Ranks will be responsible for their own conduct to all Master rank members of the guild.

2. All Journeyman, Traveler & Savant Ranks will show respect for all ranks higher than themselves and lend assistance to all ranks lower then themselves when requested by a Master in the Guild.

3. No Traveler or Savant Rank will assign tasks or give instruction to any student, Journeyman, Traveler or Savant Rank without a specific request made by that person, their Journeyman Teacher or a Master rank member of the guild. *Note; this does not mean a Traveler or Savant Rank may not offer instruction when they see a need, only that they may not force themselves upon a student or Journeyman.

4. No Journeyman Teacher will assign tasks or give instruction to any student, Journeyman or Traveler Rank, not under their instruction, without a specific request made by that student, that student’s Journeyman Teacher, or a Master in the guild. *Note; this does not mean a Journeyman Teacher may not offer instruction when they see a need, only that they may not force themselves upon a student or Journeyman.

5. Any Journeyman, Traveler or Savant Rank having an issue with the proper conduct of any student, Journeyman Teacher, Traveler, Savant or Master will convey their concerns to their own teacher or a Master in the guild who will act accordingly on the accusations made.

Master Ranks; 

1. All Master Ranks are responsible for their own conduct to the Arch Mage of the guild.

2. All Master Ranks will afford all ranks the respect they have earned.

3. All Master Ranks are permitted to assign tasks or give any instruction they deem necessary to any student, Journeyman, Traveler or Savant Rank.

4. Any Master having an issue with the proper conduct of any student, Journeyman Teacher, Traveler or Savant is empowered to deal with the questionable conduct as they deem necessary and appropriate.

5. Any Master having an issue with the proper conduct of any other Master will convey their concerns to the Arch Mage of the guild who will act accordingly on the accusations made.

History of Magic within our guild

Lord Ao created the universe. At first it was nothing but energy, with neither light nor dark, heat nor cold. Eventually the energy created two deities – Selûne (Our Lady of Silver, The Moonmaiden) and Shar ( Dark Goddess, Lady of Loss, Mistress of the Night, Nightsinger). Together they created heavens and Chauntea (Bhalla, Chantea, The Grain Goddess, The Great Mother, Jannath, Pahluruk, Yondalla), the embodiment of the world of  Toril

Chauntea begged for light and warmth so that she could create life on the new world, but Shar opposed this vehemently. The subsequent war between the sisters created new deities – war, murder, and destruction among them. When Selûne lit one of the nearby heavenly bodies on fire to provide the light and warmth needed, Shar became enraged, trying to extinguish light everywhere. Selûne tore the energy from her own body and flung it at Shar, where it joined with Shar's energy and passed from both of them, thus creating the goddess of magic, Mystryl. The birth of Mystryl (The Lady of Mysteries, the Muse, the Mother of All Magic, Our Lady of Spells, the Hidden One) not only brought a truce to Selûne and Shar, but created the Weave.

In the newly created Toril, magic abounded in everything, but in its raw state it was too dangerous for mortals to use. The Weave is a like a fabric, consisting of many threads, all woven together to create an intricate design. Spellcasting and the use of magic items pulls individual threads and reweaves them, creating a new design. Now both mortals and deities could use magic through this fabric that was both the embodiment of Mystryl and a conduit to raw magic.

When the Phaerimm, a race dwelling under the surface of the earth, began to cast spells draining the empire of Netheril of its magic, a powerful mage named Karsus created a link to Mystryl in an attempt to steal her power, become a god and save his empire. This caused a great rift in the Weave, and Mystryl was so weakened that she sacrificed herself to save the world. Since she was the Weave, magic immediately ceased all across Toril. A new goddess of magic named Mystra (The Mother of All Magic) was born, and she was able to repair the weave in a way that such powerful spells could never be used against it again.

Mission of the Guild

The guild of magic is open to all beings that practice, study, or wish to learn The Art of Magic. The great guild is not aligned to any alignment, race, or creed when it comes to our pursuit. We support all sub-schools of magic as well as the generalist traditions.

Our magicians are involved in quests, training, and creation of magical items. We stand for the protection of the village and are here to serve as advisors for the council when it comes to the lore of the art.

For magic is what will break our chains and set us free, we are the chosen who walk in the path of enlightenment.

The Guild is a place of peace, safe and NEUTRAL ground for cooperation and learning, helping each other, sharing information and advice, and encouragement. It’s purpose is to assist mages on their path to acquire and develop their knowledge and hone their RP skills, as well as be their home, open for the adepts of magic in Crimson Chaos regardless their ranks and levels of RP experience, race, group or faction affiliations.

The Guild’s intent is to provide a place where both peaceful (non-combat inclined) and combat-oriented mages can learn, train, test and demonstrate their skills, involve in RP, prepare future RP plots and cooperate with other Guilds and groups, discuss various topics, or have fun and relax.

The Guild activities (present and planned) include: meetings and classes, trainings and sparring, ceremonies and fun events, quests, literary and art contests, duels and tournaments. That list is always open, and the members’ input and constructive creativeness are most welcome.

To apply to the Crimson Chaos Morgoth Mage Guild

To apply to the Crimson Chaos Morgoth Mage Guild you must do the following:

1) Read these pages of the Morgoth Mage Guild carefully.

2) Complete the "Morgoth Mage Guild Character Card" below or provided by the leaders and return it , along with a sample of your recent Role Play and a recent picture of your avatar to the ArchMage  Pionia Destiny or any of the Master Mages. Soltel'vayas, Keriandal Ghost or Gadget Cyberstar.

3) Then, you must meet with the Archmage so that she can get to know you a bit, explain a few of the rules of the Guild and answer any questions you may have. Finally, if you still wish to join and everything seems to be a good fit, you will be invited into the Guild.

(copy and paste in a notecard, <your name> Crimson Chaos Morgoth Mage Guild Application form)

* Character name :

* SL official name :

* Character Age:

* Character Race:

* Character Class:

* Character Appereance:

* Character Special Powers:

* Character Flaws:

* Character Alignment:

* Reason for joining:

* History of the character: (grew up, schooling, major events, parents) try to include reason for alignment chosen

* Do you have any previous Mage experience in another sim?

* If so, what?:

* Ideas and Suggestions:

Port Crimson, Land of Chaos: History

400 long years ago the world was different. It was divided into several major kingdoms and villages. Among these were the Empire of Fayadria, Lands of Scepterd, the Kingdom of Annwn and the Village of Arstonia.  
Great magics prospered, everyone from the Empress to the humblest villager were busy and had a place in these lands.

Warriors grew skilled, Archers arrows flew swift and true, the elder gods were worshipped, men protected the last dragon egg, the Wells provided power and protection to the people, healers and mages grew in power and knowlege.

Races mixed with each other freely, drow and elf, human and dwarf, demon and vampire and races few could name. The elusive sea maid, the merrow, often joining in. It was a good though often vexing time.
Then the cataclysm came, monsterous tidal waves claimed Fayandria, Annwn lost it Taij, the life force of the land, Scepterd grew remote and the village of Arstonia was swept away in the Great War with Rome. All were never seen again in this world.

Refugees fled in many directions including a small island off the main shipping lines which they called Crimson Twilight. Unfortunately life was simply too hard and the village failed. The halfbreed drow, former princess of Annwn, lent her power, that ancient elven power of knowing, using, being one with the spirit of the land.. called the Taij, to this new land. It began to flourish and already is the home of the refugee's, their decendants and newcomers.

Welcome to Port Crimson, Land of Chaos.  Become a explorer, earn your villager status, role play, enjoy.