Monday, October 3, 2011

Drow poisoning Affair Part 2

Pionia Destiny: Welcome, Master.

Soltel'vayas (lord.hannu) nods "Master Pionia, Keri...." he pauses "I herd my student got into trouble..."

 Pionia Destiny shakes her head... "yes.. this drow... hard to control."

 Soltel'vayas (lord.hannu) "Did he harm a member of our guild?"

 Pionia Destiny: nope... he harmed two guilds.. he was out to demostrate he's so damn good.. the guard captain and the head healer... only... pokes keri... "are you awake master?" sighs

 Keriandal Ghost: you

 Pionia Destiny: please have a seat, sir sol

 Soltel'vayas (lord.hannu) "I'll refrain from deliver him punishment and let the town guard deal with the apropriate sanctioning, within reason, of course."

 Pionia Destiny: Master Kerindal was there. There's an arrest warrant on him.

 Keriandal Ghost: not me

 Pionia Destiny: I arrange for guards to wait till we question him.

 Soltel'vayas (lord.hannu) "So he was not captured yet?"

 Pionia Destiny: No, he hasn't been seen.  that give us time to manouver. Sighs.. "he's our student and we stand for our own."

 Keriandal Ghost: Greetings Faust

 Pionia Destiny looks the woman approaching the group "Greetings, M'lady"

 Soltel'vayas (lord.hannu) "This is why we need a door."

 Fauster Freiman nods " Greetings, Keri kill you later " looks at Pionia " you wanted to see me"

  Pionia Destiny stands up smiling warmly. "Yes, please, have a seat."  gesture to one of the seats in the room

(([10:29]  Pionia Destiny is Offline))

 Fauster Freiman shakes her head eyeing Hannu " I was asked to come here keep your opinons to yourself drow. I'll stand thank you"

(([10:31]  Pionia Destiny is Online))

 Soltel'vayas (lord.hannu) "I have no intention of keeping my opinions to myself, unless you moderate your tone you'll be invited to leave, with the same respect." he speaks calmlly, unemotivelly.

 Fauster Freiman looks at hannu for only a moment " so whats this all about pionia"

(([10:35]  Pionia Destiny is Offline))

 Soltel'vayas (lord.hannu) "Indeed Master Pionia, why's this... here."

 Fauster Freiman frowns " watch it drow i didnt want to come here in the first place an i dobt you can keep me here if i am inclined to go"

(([10:39]  Pionia Destiny is Online))

Soltel'vayasSoltel'vayas "You had already stayed longer than desired since you first step inside." cocks up a brow and gestures at the demoness "I assume you're here representing the guard my student, supoesedly poisoned?"

Fauster Freiman nods not sopposeidly he poisoned me an maggie the head healer. If he turns himself in ill go easy on him only three days cleaning an digging priveys

Pionia Destiny: listens to the woman quietly. nods

Fauster Freiman: it shouldnt be so hard for him drow men are used to crawling into dark holes an wollowing in shit " snikkers eyeing sol

Soltel'vayas "I don't need to hear anything else for the time behing, i'll have my student by my side soon enough i am sure." eyes Pionia "As for disciplining, after he speaks to me of the incident, i am sure we can settle a compromise that is beneficial both to the offended guilds and the tutorship of my disciple."

Pionia Destiny: he will turn himself after we have questions him . we'll let you know so he will go in peace.  As Master Sol have explained this is what we intend to do. He's a new mage in our school and we'll see he won't do that anymore.

Fauster FreimanFauster Freiman eyes pionia " he will turn himself in no matter what you say or we will take him its better he give himself up im sure akk would be happyer if he puts up a fight he's kind of hard to control.

Soltel'vayas nods "I take my words back..." he responds arshlly "If you expect to enter our guild home and offend me, you have lost your chance to even set an heavy gaze upon my student. I see now what his mistake was... keeping your tongue in your mouth."

Pionia Destiny: shakes her head. We are trying to do the best for all the guilds.

Fauster Freiman by your words you just seald his fate my men and i will arrest him on sight if he resists he dies its just that simple the law is the law guilds do not make law or judgements you wish to judge then have each head of each guild come to the tower an we will have a hearing an you can pass sentince yourselves.

Pionia Destiny: guards will behave like guards, sir Sol. I will advice some patience.

Pionia Destiny: Looks back at the Captain, I will talk to your Commander, Captain. There are laws and channels to be followed. You are not in position to have a final word on this matter.

Soltel'vayas  gestures the way to the exit "Now if you please..." he once again maintain his calm tone "oh and one thing, if it so happen that you walk by my disciple before i talk with him, and you fail to leave him keep to his track... I will have to assume you're trying to punish him out of your own will of revenge, and therefore punish you for your crimes."

Pionia Destiny: I have already contacted the healers guild and they agreed to our proposal. I am sure your commander will seek peace among guilds.

Fauster Freiman shrugs " do as you wish it matters little to me i have things to attend to so ill be going keep your snot nosed student out of my sight if you want him to live " turns on her heels heading for the portal.

Pionia Destiny: sighs.. passionates warriors.. think very quickly

Soltel'vayas he sighs and eyes Pionia "Interguild relationship... we never seem to compromise with the warriors do we?"

Pionia Destiny: ooks at her hands.. sighs deeply. This might get complicated.

Soltel'vayas "Not to us."

Pionia Destiny: Politics and passion are different things

Soltel'vayas "The gift of education prevails over the brute."

Pionia Destiny: nods at her Master Drow. Yes.. once again we walk the enlightment path.. we don't leave our passions to rush us into actions.

Soltel'vayas "I need to write the undiciplined disciple."

Pionia Destiny: sighs in frustartion.. where's that student of yours?....paces up and down. We are about to go on a war with the guards..He needs to get here before he's caught by the guards out there.

Soltel'vayas  pauses his writting "It is not of our interest to have a dispute with the guards."

Keriandal Ghost: what?

Pionia Destiny: we have to call an emergecy meeting.. that captain was really upset and passionate. she won't think straight under that condition. *she should have showed more respect to our master, though* Now, Master Sol.. what do you suggest we do with your student.. we need intro clases for new students..

Soltel'vayas  "Let me deal with this matter please, archmage. You have other afairs on your hands, and i'm sure Keirandal does as well, so, leave me incharge of this matter, i assure you it will workout in the best possible suiting way to our guild."

Pionia Destiny: well, sir I will trust your judment. We need silks gloves on this.

Keriandal Ghost: Sol knows faust probably inside out.

Pionia Destiny: we already know . she's passionate. we are reason and passion also.

Soltel'vayas  "I'll be adressing directly to her superior on this matter, there's no point debating it with her since she's clearelly on a revenge driven pursuit."

Pionia Destiny: but above all ..let's peace among guilds prevail. that's the main concern of this guild now. Balance.

Soltel'vayasSoltel'vayas rolls up a piece of scroll, passing a hand over it and hissing quietly the scroll disapears.

*a spider creeps near your hand, when you consider touching it the small creature bursts into smoke, when the cloud settled it releals a curled scroll has taken the spiders place. From the scroll, marked with the arcanum society seal you can read "Imprudent disciple, i have heard of your misfortune with interguild relashionships, it saddens me that you broke a primal rule of cohexisting with the uneducated townfolk, wish i mention... Never, ever, get caugh. Your actions have created quite a turmoil wish can only be settled with your return, i'll be expecting you very soon. Signed and sealed, Master Soltel'vayas*

Soltel'vayas "My first step is taken care of, i'm sure disciple Rik will, quite soon, present himself around these parts."

Role Players: Keriandal Ghost, Soltel'vayas, Pionia Destiny, Fauster Freiman.


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