Roleplay 101

Roleplay 101 Gettings Started to Interact
By Keriandal Ghost

Now, where to start *sighs*, *sratches his chin and starts to write to the scroll* after a while he shrugs and thinks: Well Pionia will correct this later.

Here we see an example of basic roleplay line it might seem odd at first, but no need to worry I will explain it.

The idea of roleplaying is that it is not you behind the keyboard just answering and writing as you are. One creates a personality to his or her avatar based on history, maybe basic racial features and so on,
After all every one learns from mistakes made in past and is modled without even knowing it, a good history always helps when starting to roleplay, dont be afraid to change yer avatars look when making the history and before starting to roleplay, after all one might miss a finger or such, maybe even an eye, or scar got in battle.

Some tips to help that will also be in future roleplay lessons and helps other players to better react.
One might place these on different order but not me, and I prefer not to list. What one does is usually placed between these marks: *  *, that helps other player to react for example if one sobs in corner other one could go there and ask what is wrong and such, if the character does got a heart *chuckles* Remember No one can read minds, so unles you're character is mind reader you should not respond to lines like this: *thinks of taking a run for it before getting noticed* except they might help ye to prepare for possible future act, but remember NO MIND READING. Think freely, as always should and use as feel natural to you're character

Next I shall explain the difference between Out of Charachter chat and In Charachter chat
In Character chat is of course what your character will say inworld, Out of Charachter chat is what YOU think or say and that is you´re opinion and always place OOC (out of character chat)  Between these marks:  ( ) In local chat one can preferably notice to other roleplayers he or she might be afk for a moment with simple (brb) and if going to be away from keyboard (AFK) for longer then one should disengage from roleplay so that other players dont need to start wonder why he or she does not respond. Other OOC chat
KEEP IN IM:S ( Instant Message system) that helps us all to keep the chat and the rp more simple and avoid OOC fights and such. And please always remember if its IC its no need to start an OOC fight about this or that, unles its GOD RPlaying wich I shall explain next.

GOD RPlaying or god moding is roleplaying without other players permission unles that action have been talked with the other roleplayer in IM:S.  if he or she approves it: For example:

Keriandal Ghost: *takes a bottle and swings it  to gadgets head killing him* IF THAT IS NOT NEGOTIATED OOC THEN IT IS BREAKING RULES OF ROLEPLAYING AND IS BANNABLE OFFENCE. So please do remember: ask first in IM.

I think these are most important things so if ye just try i really do recommend to take the time to read them.

And If one might need to know more please do contact Keriandal Ghost, or Pionia Destiny, but as we all know arch mages are usually very busy *chuckles*

Written By: Keriandal Ghost